
清境 避暑 烏龜惹貓 少女 小布 

恐懼來自攻擊念頭FEAR COMES FROM MY ATTACK THOUGHTS 恐懼來自攻擊念頭Many of us think fear comes from something outside us. Fear really begins as attack thoughts, grievances, or complaints in our own mind. Since the mind works in terms of projection, we naturally see the world responding to us as we are thinking. When we send out attack thoughts, we see the world as attacking us back; we see the world as a threatening place and we feel frightened, but the fear began in our own mind. Our willingness to acknowledge this allows us to change our mind, to change our fear into love, which naturally extends ourself to the situation and people around us, and creates healing. 很多人以為恐懼來自我們身外之事. 恐懼真正來自心靈內的攻擊念頭, 怨尤或抱怨開始. 由於心靈由投射的角度進行, 我們見到世界回攻我們; 我們見到世界好像在威脅的地方, 使我們很害怕, 可是恐懼由我們的心靈開始. 我們願意承認允許我們改變自己的心靈, 改變害怕進入愛, 自然而然延伸我們面對發生的情境和身邊的人, 並創造療癒.Today, be willing to change your fear, your attack thoughts, into love thoughts, into blessings. Bless someone around you. Wish the very best for them. Give them a gift of your energy, which in the giving multiplies for both of you. Any blessing you give is a blessing you get to receive. Blessing heals your attack thoughts and your fear. 今天, 願意改變你的恐懼, 攻擊的念頭, 來到愛的念頭, 來到祝福. 祝福你身邊的人. 祝福他們一切美好順利. 以你的能量送給他們一個禮物, 這個給出會加倍回到你們. 任何送出的祝福你也領受. 祝福治療你的攻擊念頭和恐懼.因為我們都切斷了很多感官 感覺 因此有很多害怕的時候都感覺不到 不過肉體會出現徵狀 像是腳受傷 走不動 生病 有時候是金錢出狀況 有時候關係出問題 這是都是因為我們有些害怕 有時候自己沒問題 反而是親人朋友出問題這幾年 因為處理和母親的關係 因此媽媽常常跟我住 而她都把我的害怕吞了下去 反而我好像沒什麼擔心 她出現最多的就是腿無力 走不動 最近她走的更慢了 更小步 我常常要等她 內吞 我們常常把親人的痛苦吞了下來  LoveLisa 




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